I talk a lot about "living life on purpose", and I thought it might be a good idea to explain exactly what I mean when I say it.
To me, we're living our lives on purpose when we live our lives with intention and mindfulness, rather than operating out of "default mode".
In computer-speak, default mode is a programmed response to repeated input: you don't have to make a choice, you're pre-programmed and "good to go". We don't stop and question the situation in front of us or our patterned response to it.
A good example of that is something I think most of us have experienced at one time or another: Think of a time when you were driving and suddenly realized you didn't remember passing the familiar landmarks necessary to get where you are because you were on auto-pilot or in default mode. Your mind was somewhere else, and your driving became an out-of-body experience. Yikes! What's worse is that some people lives their lives that way.
When we live your life on purpose we are:
- Creating goals or intentions that lead to a fulfilling life of contentment and meaning
- Aware that every action we take and decision we make with either bring us closer to or move us further away from the life we desire
- Present to the moments of our lives.
Remember the driving metaphor above? Well, if life is a journey, we can choose not only the destination, but how we're going to get there!